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National Girl Child Day: Ramesh Nishank Urges Society to Treat Daughters with Respect and Equality

New Delhi: On the occasion of National Girl Child Day, Union Minister Ramesh Nishank expressed his sentiments, saying that he considers himself incredibly fortunate to have been blessed with three daughters by the grace of God. He emphasized that daughters are not only the pride of their families but also of society and the nation as a whole.

On this special day, Ramesh Nishank called upon the citizens of the country to celebrate the birth of daughters as a festival. He believes that girls should be provided with equal opportunities and respect in society so that they can fully utilize their potential. Additionally, he strongly advocated for giving daughters the highest level of education to enable them to become responsible citizens and contribute to the progress of the nation.

The Union Minister specifically urged all sections of society to provide equal opportunities to their daughters and refrain from any form of discrimination. He stated, “Our daughters are the foundation of our future. If we provide them with the right education and opportunities, they will not only bring honor to the family but will also serve as an inspiration for society and the nation.”

In conclusion, Ramesh Nishank extended his greetings to all citizens on National Girl Child Day and wished for the bright future of all daughters, offering them his heartfelt best wishes.


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