Deepika Padukon Chhapak

No doubt that Deepika Padukon is great actress. There is no denial that she has delivered many finest performances in her films. Team Humari Baat urges that Chhapak should not be flopped because the issue raised in film, increases the moral value to stand against the evils that are unsafe for a particular gender.

On the other hand, right before the release of her film, Deepika went on to stand for the people who were protesting against the Government. She needed to understand that the Government was elected by the massive majority. She needed to understand that the people for whom she was protesting are labeled as “Tukde Tukde Gang”. She needed to understand that everything you see on social media is not true. Aamir Khan who was known for delivering blockbusters each year, his films are getting flop at box office due to controversial statements of his wife.

Chhapaak migth surely be a great film but this film suffered alot due to this. Only Deepika herself knows the reality that she did it intentionaly or it was just a promotional stunt. If it was done intentionally then she is adviced to join politics and leave from making films till 2024 because she will not be find the success. Else if it was just a promotional stunt then she is requested to not to do such disasterous promotion again.

Before the film released, Laxmi Aggarwal filed a case against Deepika that she didn’t pay her enough royalty. Lawyer of Laxmi Aggarwal stated on social media that

Have never been the one to demand attention to my work. Deeply disturbed by the turn of events post watching Chhapaak….

Gepostet von Aparna Bhat amMittwoch, 8. Januar 2020

To this High Court urged to stop the release the film later trial was removed to pay off all the credit to Laxmi.


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