On Friday , The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) arrested Sushant Singh Rajput’s friend and ex- flatmate Siddharth Pithani in a drugs case related to the sushant’s death in June 2020. News reports suggest that Pithani was arrested by the central agency’s officials from Hyderabad, and he was later bought to Mumbai. As per reports, earlier notices were given to him but he did not join the investigation. Now, he was remanded to 5-day custody on Friday.
As per the prosecution lawyer; After the arrest of Pithani , He was under examination before the Hon’ble court in Hyderabad. The court granted his transit warrant and he was brought to Mumbai. Later in the day, he was examined before a Mumbai court which remanded him in the NCB custody till June 1.
Apart from this, Last year Pithani was interrogated by NCB, Enforcement Directorate and Central Bureau of Investigation. The CBI questioned him for seven days in a row it was during the death probe of Sushant Singh Rajput. Moreover, Pithani claimed that he was the first who saw the actor’s dead body .