Neha Dhupia is a well-known Bollywood actress. Neha is always in the news about her personal life. However, these days Neha’s stars are on high. Neha is going to make her international debut with Egyptian director Ali Al Arabi’s film ‘Blue 52’. The story of ‘Blue 52’ has been shot in Kochi, India and Qatar. The film’s director Ali Al Arabi is also in the news for his feature documentary film ‘Captain of Zaatari’ released in 2021, recently the film has also received many awards.
Recently, while talking about her international debut in an interview, Neha Dhupia said, ‘Starting my international career with Blue 52 is no less than magic for me. This international project gave me the opportunity to delve deeper into a character that is challenging as well as impactful.
Talking about her character in the film, Neha further said, ‘This is a transformative experience, which will leave a lasting and deep impression on people. I am happy that Ali has chosen me for the lead role in his first international project. Meanwhile, director Ali Al Arabi said about the production of the film, ‘The creation of Blue 52 is based on the background of love. A mixture of Egypt, America and India will be shown in this film. Neha showed amazing dedication towards her role in this film and breathed new life into her character with her hard work.
The main character of the film is a fan of footballer Messi.
Let us tell you that this film is the story of a nine-year-old child Ashish, in which after losing his elder brother, his father takes him to a continent near the backwaters of Kochi, so that he remains safe. Gradually Ashish grows up and then the story of the film moves forward 13 years. In the film, Ashish’s character was shown as a Messi fan who gets a chance to meet his superstar player at the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup. The film has been made under the Ambient Light banner.