Chandigarh: Berkeley Square Sealed for Violating Rules

The Chandigarh administration took a major and somehow important step on Monday by closing down Berkeley Square, a large commercial complex in the Industrial Area of the city beautiful. It was done due to violations of various environmental rules. The Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee (CPCC) ordered the immediate closure of the building and imposed a fine of Rs 3.75 lakh on the company’s directors.

The CPCC initially sent a notice to Berkeley Square on Thursday, explaining everything in detail regarding the use of their facilities by violating environmental laws. The notice called upon several legal provisions and directed the immediate closure of Berkeley Realtech Limited, the company that owns the complex. It also instructed the directors to cut off the electricity and water supply and seal the property immediately.

Furthermore, the CPCC revoked the environmental permits previously granted to Berkeley Realtech Limited under the Water PACP (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air PACP Act, 1981, and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

The company was given 15 days to deposit the environmental compensation of Rs 3.75 lakh as ordered by the National Green Tribunal.

The violations cited in the notice included:

  • Operating a 320 KVA Diesel Generator without the necessary consent from the CPCC.
  • Mishandling hazardous waste without submitting the required documents.
  • Discrepancies between the annual reports submitted by the company and office records.
  • Failure to maintain records related to the effluent and sewage treatment plant.
  • Unauthorized establishment of a body shop for four-wheelers and a paint booth, leading to the generation of hazardous waste without proper authorization.

The director of the company, Ranjeev Dahuja, was unable to provide a valid and solid explanation for these violations as mentioned in the the notice. Additionally, the CPCC noted that the company had not informed them about changes in their company’s name or merger with M/s RSA Motors Pvt Limited, which occurred in 2017. They had obtained consent for expansion under the name of M/s Berkeley Realtech Limited in 2021 without notifying the CPCC.

Every corporation has to give topmost priority to Environmental issues because violating environmental rules is not just a national or state laws violation but impacts the overall surroundings and life in a worse manner.


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