Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday spoke to 17 toppers of the country after the CBSE Class 12 examinations were cancelled. In these, the PM not only had a direct dialogue with Hiteshwar Sharma, a Class 10 student of Sector 10, Panchkula, about the examination, but also remembered his time spent in Panchkula.
In the virtual program, Modi told that he has lived in Sector-7 of Panchkula for many years. Hiteshwar expressed surprise that he got to know about this for the first time. But Panchkula has a huge number of your fans. The PM spoke to Hiteshwar for about one and a half minutes. PM Modi asked Hiteshwar Sharma, a student of Bhavan Vidyalaya, that if you were a topper in class 10th, how are you feeling after the cancellation of class 12th examination. To this Sharma replied that the pressure was increasing continuously regarding the examination. But the decision has been taken by the government to cancel the exam at the right time. The students will be grateful for this , Hiteshwar’s hard work never goes in vain.
We have learned from you that the test of life is big, marks do not matter. The health of youth is important and we have to have good thinking.
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