Urdu poet Munavvar Rana has once again made a controversial statement regarding Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Munavvar has said in an exclusive interview with NBT Online that if this time after the fall of Asaduddin Owaisi in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party government is formed again and Yogi Adityanath takes over as the Chief Minister, he will leave the state. . The BJP has retaliated against Munawwar’s statement.
A spokesperson of BJP Delhi tweeted that Munavvar Bhag Yogi came. He wrote, ‘Munavvar Rana Bhag-Bhag Yogi Aaya’.
Munawwar mixing religious colors in politics’
BJP spokesperson Rakesh Tripathi said that such dangers arise when a writer becomes a politician. The country and the state made Munavvar Rana sit on his head and eyes, gave him respect but now he has started making political remarks. In that too, religious colors are mixing in politics. Munavvar Rana should find a house somewhere else as the return of the yogi is going to happen again in UP.
BJP state spokesperson Manish Shukla said that if the condition of staying in UP is not to form a Bharatiya Janata Party government in 2022, then Munavvar Rana should tie the knot because the result of the 2022 election is as clear as the writing on the wall. In UP, the BJP is once again going to form a clear majority government. In a democracy, the people are the people and governments are formed with the blessings of the people.
Two terrorists belonging to Al Qaeda-linked organization (Ansar Gajwatul Hind) were arrested on July 11 in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. In this case, Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind spoke of giving legal aid to these two accused. On the other hand, the famous poet Munavvar Rana also raised questions regarding this whole matter.
“This is nothing but the use of toothbrushes in the run-up to the elections,” said Munavvar Rana. When it was mentioned that Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind would provide legal help to the two accused, Munawwar Rana said, “More than them, the offspring of Salauddin Owaisi (Asaduddin Owaisi) who is roaming around here, it is his There is responsibility. Who is coming here from Hyderabad to cast his vote. Those Muslims who are being killed, are being disturbed, are being beaten, are being arrested, is it his responsibility. ‘
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