Salman Khan has filed a defamation complaint against actor Kamaal R Khan. The case has been filed in a Mumbai court, after Kamaal R Khan reviewed Salman Khan’s latest release ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’. Salman Khan’s legal team sent a notice to KRK on Monday and reportedly urged for an urgent hearing before an additional sessions judge of the city civil court on Thursday.
Moreover, kamaal Khan acknowledged the development and he tweeted: “I said so many times that I never review film of any producer, actor if he asks me to not review. Salman khan filed defamation case on me for review of #Radhe means he is getting too much affected by my review. Hence I won’t review his films anymore.”
Apart from this, The film soon after its release got leaked on various social media platforms and messaging apps. Soon, an FIR was registered against three individual users of WhatsApp and Facebook. The complaint was filed by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd.
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