“Shahrukh Khan the king of bollywood son Aryan was arrested by the NCB raid on Saturday in the party. Aryan and his good friend Arbaaz Merchant was arrested in this party.”
Shahrukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s son Aryan was arrested by the NCB on Saturday after a rave party going on in a luxury cruise liner was busted. Along with Aryan, his good friend Arbaaz Merchant was also arrested in this party. Aryan and Arbaaz along with others were involved in the rave party going on on the luxury ship Mumbai Goa-cruise during the NCB official and both of them are reportedly being questioned in this regard.
Arbaaz is a close friend of Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan. Arbaaz has a huge fan list on social media. Although he has made his social media account private. He has more than 30 thousand followers on his social media. If reports are to be believed, Arbaaz is an actor by profession and pictures of him partying with Suhana Khan and Aryan Khan are often viral on social media.
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