Actor Hrithik Roshan has 48th birthday on 10 January (Monday). A day before Hrithik’s birthday, the makers of the Hindi remake of his upcoming action-thriller film Vikram Vedha have made a big announcement. The makers of the film shared a post on social media and said that Hrithik’s first look from ‘Vikram Vedha’ will be released tomorrow on the occasion of his birthday. Apart from Hrithik, Saif Ali Khan will also be seen in the lead role in this film, being directed by Pushkar and Gayatri. Hrithik will be seen in the role of ‘Vedha’ and Saif as ‘Vikram’ in the film. Radhika Apte will also be seen in the lead role in the film. The film will be released in cinemas across the world on 30 September 2022. Let us tell you that this film came in the year 2017. It is a Hindi remake of Madhavan and Vijay Sethupathi’s Tamil film Vikram Vedha.
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