Chandigarh, Indian – A Recent storyline in the Star Plus show “Jhanak” have sparked significant controversy and discontent among viewers, who are expressing their frustration and disappointment with the show’s content. The controversial decision by Jhanak to intentionally lose in the dance competition is seen as a major betrayal by those who believed in her talent and supported her when no one else did—especially Guruji and Aditya Kapoor. Instead of focusing on her dreams, honoring her mother’s aspirations, and appreciating those who truly supported her, Jhanak chose to prioritize people who didn’t have her best interests at heart and might even celebrate her setbacks if they suited their agendas.
Anirudh, Arshi’s husband, seems more focused on proving his love and loyalty to Arshi than supporting Jhanak. There are even reports suggesting that he may have manipulated Jhanak into jeopardizing her chances of winning the competition. If Anirudh is so determined to stay in Arshi’s good graces, perhaps he should stay with her and be happy. But where does that leave Jhanak? The storyline has reduced her character to a mere pawn, manipulated by those with selfish priorities who care little about her well-being.
These developments raise serious concerns about the show’s future. If the creators of “Jhanak” have no plans to reunite the popular #RuNak duo, it might be time to consider introducing a strong, reliable male lead for Jhanak. Viewers clearly want a character who can offer her the compelling love story she deserves. Another character like Anirudh simply won’t suffice—viewers want someone who truly values Jhanak and can bring new life to her story. Jhanak deserves a partner who genuinely appreciates her, not someone wrapped up in their own issues.
It’s also important for the show’s creators to avoid diminishing Jhanak’s role, especially since she is the main protagonist. While she drives the narrative forward, scenes with Arshi and Anirudh often depict her as a third wheel, which undermines her importance and the impact her character has on the story. Viewers expect a narrative that respects its main character and delivers a story worth their time. If these issues aren’t addressed, the show risks losing its audience and could ultimately collapse under the weight of its own poor decisions.
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