The iconic Indo-Japanese animated film, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama, made its grand debut on January 22nd, 2025, at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj. This special screening was attended by over 200 school children, who had the unique opportunity to watch the anime based on the ancient Hindu epic, the Ramayana by Sage Valmiki, for the very first time.
The event held special significance as it coincided with the first anniversary of the ‘pran pratishtha’ ceremony of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, making it a historic occasion. Shri Asim Arun, the Minister of State for Social Welfare and SC/ST Welfare of the Uttar Pradesh government, delivered the welcome note at the event. In his address, he emphasized the importance of preserving Indian culture and heritage and praised the innovative approach of presenting this timeless epic to children through modern animation techniques.
The screening aimed to introduce the younger generation to the rich cultural legacy of India, offering them a fresh perspective on the ancient story of Lord Rama, his battles, and virtues, while simultaneously showcasing the fusion of Indian mythology with global animation trends.
The Ramayana anime, which has received international recognition for its engaging storytelling and high-quality animation, was presented as an innovative educational tool to connect children with their roots in an entertaining way. This event, set in the spiritual atmosphere of the Maha Kumbh, was a powerful reminder of the importance of culture, tradition, and storytelling in shaping the minds of future generations. The screening marked a significant step in bridging traditional narratives with contemporary forms of media.
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