Vij in SD College

Anil Vij visited SD College on Kabir Jayanti

  • Students should become good doctors, engineers or IAS officers in future, but should also become good politicians: Anil Vij
  • Awarded 207 students who did excellent work in the annual prize distribution function of SD College.
  • *Minister Anil Vij also congratulated everyone on Sant Kabirdas Jayanti and announced to give 20 lakh rupees to the college management from his fund.

Ambala, Haryana.

Haryana Home, Health and Technical Education Minister, Mr. Anil Vij said that the BJP government is considering about new education policy. Under the leadership of Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, the New Education Policy, 2020 was launched, that will be fully implemented by 2030. But, we have decided in Haryana that we will fully implement the new education policy before 2025.

Mr. Vij was addressing as the chief guest at the annual prize distribution function in the auditorium of SD College, Ambala Cantonment on Tuesday. He said that a lot of changes have to happen in the new education policy and students will have the right to take different subjects in the new policy. He said that earlier we were slaves and the British only needed clerks to do office work and the British taught us only here. But, even after 50-60 years of independence, the same education policy continued, but today for the first time, the government thought that new education is required to take the country forward and that is why he launched this policy. Haryana government will implement this policy by including many new aspects in the new education policy and we will move forward to make a strong and best India with determination. At the same time, at the function, Home Minister Vij awarded 207 students of the college and announced Rs 20 lakh to SD College Management for college activities.

In the form of Prime Minister, the country got a good politician who made the country’s name in the world: Anil Vij

Home Minister Anil Vij said that today the youth is worried about the future whether they become an engineer, doctor, IAS or something else. But, there is a dearth of good politicians in our country. So the youth should think that they should become politicians in future and do good work in future so that the country can move forward. Shri Vij said that our country has fertile land, running water, hard working farmer and after a long time a good politician came in the form of Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is taking the country forward, today he has named the country in the whole world. has been born. But we need good leaders at the local level too, it is very much needed. The youth should also think that some of us should also become a good politician. He said that we have adopted democratic system after independence and the democratic system runs through politicians and if we do not produce good politicians then we cannot move the country forward.

Whenever I come to college, I go back 50 years: Anil Vij

Home Minister Anil Vij, who passed his education from SD College, said in his address that this is his own college. Today this college is flourishing manifold. Whenever he comes to this college, he goes back 50 years. Recalling his college days, he said that ‘he remembers the window of the college where he used to deposit his college fees by standing in line’, he was praised by all the professors of that time, JK Arora, Prof. Dutta and others start remembering whom he used to discuss. He also entered politics from this college and what he is today is because of the education given by this college. He remembers that our principal was Gopal Das ji and he used to have long discussions on political subjects. Today whenever he is called by the college, he cancels all the other programs and plans to comes to SD College. He said to his close friends that even though he is 69 years old, he has saved his childhood and his friends should also save your childhood.

Home Minister Vij praised the college activities

Home Minister Anil Vij appreciated the college activities and said that SD College has maintained its standard of education for which he congratulates. He said that without education good citizens cannot be produced and the college has contributed in preparing good citizens. Many activities are organized here, today such an education policy has to be made that when students come out of college, they should stand on their feet, we have to prepare people like this. The Home Minister awarded 207 students who passed the NET exam, meritorious category graduates and post graduates in academic field, NCC, NSS, YRC, women’s cell, cultural field, sports and other fields. Pratham Bidlan of the college was awarded the highest award of the college for his achievements in the field of music as well as education. He also honored all the teachers who got PhD degree. Earlier, College Principal Dr. Rajinder Singh, Managing Committee President Brij Kishore Soni, Deputy Principal Deshban


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