Right after the passage of the Farmers bill, the majority of farmers community from Northern India are revolting against it. Even after such a huge protest, BJP is not in a mood to make any changes in the Bill. We have already discussed the pros and cons of the bill.

Nupur Agarwal who is a social entrepreneur in Dehradun and very much associated with farmer’s reforms has commented neutrally but she favored farmers. She said “Any law by the government made for the farmers should be devised in such a way that it supports them in monitory terms and empowers them to be emotionally and physically stable. The law should help in the complete socio-economic development of the farmers & their community.” People are getting influenced by her statement.
The farmer’s groups of Punjab and Haryana are actually against the Agricultural Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance. This ordinance allows crops to be sold and purchased outside the state government’s APMC (Agricultural Produce Market Committee) mandis.

The farmers do not have so many problems with the other two ordinances. The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Ordinance removes restrictions on the limit of stocking food items, except in war and natural disasters. At the same time, the third ordinance allows farmers to compromise with buyers before the farming season
While Humari Baat feels People like Nupur Agarwal should come forward and aware farmers. Nupur is a serial social entrepreneur and musician. She is the founder of the Evolve Foundation and co-owner of KISAN WINDOW.