Secunderabad: Indian football team captain Sunil Chhetri and his wife Sonam Bhattacharya have recently welcomed a baby boy, according to local media reports on Thursday. This news comes as a delightful surprise for fans of the sports star. The couple’s bundle of joy arrived after Sunil made an adorable gesture during a match in June, where he celebrated scoring a goal by pointing to his wife in the stands and then cradling a pretend baby bump. When asked about the special moment in a post-match interview, Sunil shared that he and his wife were indeed expecting a baby and expressed his hopes for their little one to receive plenty of love and blessings.
Sunil’s journey to fatherhood began while representing India in international matches. In July, he won the SAFF Championship and took home both the Golden Boot and Golden Ball awards. Following this victory, he spent time with his loved ones instead of participating in the Durand Cup with Bengaluru FC. His break from the sport continued in September when he was rested for the King’s Cup in Thailand. Head Coach Igor Stimac supported Sunil’s decision to prioritize family time, considering the tournament was a friendly event.
After enjoying quality time with his family, Sunil is now set to make a comeback at the upcoming Asian Games. It’s been nine years since he last led the Indian team at the prestigious multi-sport event. With renewed energy and enthusiasm, Sunil is ready to take on the challenge and give his best performance yet. Fans eagerly await seeing him back in action, leading the charge for India.
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