On Friday night, the social media app WhatsApp stalled for about 45 minutes. This caused a lot of trouble for the users. Users were neither able to send or receive messages. Apart from this, Instagram, Facebook also stalled for some time. This problem occurred due to a problem in their server. The situation returned to normal after 45 minutes.The problem of WhatsApp being down was revealed at around 11 pm on Friday night. Due to server down in other countries of the world including India, users faced a similar problem. Although Facebook was running somewhere, users had problems with it at some places.
Whatsapp stalled for half an hour. Twitter was flooded with WhatsApp trouble. People take a pinch of it in their own style The statement was released on behalf of the social media company when WhatsApp was down. The company said thank people for being patient. WhatsApp said that the service was interrupted for 45 minutes, but we are back.After Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram came to a standstill, people expressed their problems through various hashtags. Many users have taken screenshots with the hashtags #whatsappdown, #serverdown #instagramdown and #facebookdown. Many users shared the mime and quipped.
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