New Delhi, 26 April 2024: The first phase of voting for the Lok Sabha elections in 2024 was completed on April 19. At the same time, the second phase of voting will take place on April 26, 2024. Many events have surfaced since the first round of voting. One such instance has also come to light in Rajasthan. A woman began fighting with the workers at the booth because PM Modi’s photograph wasn’t on the EVM. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also responded to the situation.
According to reports, a group of rural ladies arrived at the polling station in Piprali, Rajasthan, to vote. Meanwhile, some noise came from within the polling place. A rural woman was adamant about why PM Modi’s photo wasn’t on the EVM.The woman stated in her language, “Eh ke mayei modiji ree to foto hi kaunyo.” Later, the woman was informed that the portrait and election sign were not of Modi but of the candidate representing Modi. After that, she voted.
The incident at the Piprali booth was also reported to Prime Minister Modi. PM Modi tweeted, “Seeing this affection of mothers and sisters, there are tears in my eyes, and I am also determined to repay this debt.” He went on to say that it is our obligation as workers to pay attention to these nuances. Go door-to-door to inform them.