Today on Thursday, the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath went to New Delhi to meet the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leadership. In afternoon, Adityanath met Union Home Minister Amit Shah and is going to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi tomorrow on Friday and also going to meet party president JP Nadda. Yogi Adityanath’s Delhi visit assumes significance as it comes a day after senior Congress leader and prominent Brahmin leader Jitin Prasada joined the BJP. There are also reports of dissent in Uttar Pradesh.
Next year, assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh are coming . To handle the crisis in its ranks, the BJP is talking to leaders of the BJP and in last week Senior BJP leader BK Santosh visited the state to check the working of the party. He had met ministers, MLAs, MPs and Adityanath too.
Prior in this week, Radha Mohan Singh who is BJP national vice-president and Uttar Pradesh in-charge gave the information regarding the possibility of reshuffling of cabinet before the polls in next year and he further added that government of Uttar Pradesh is becoming strong and taking good decisions.
Next year there will be polls for Uttar Pradesh in February-March.
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