Seven employees deployed in DIC, doors of employment will open for the unemployed

Almora: After a long time, seven employees were deployed in the District Industries Center (DIC), which was facing shortage of employees. With the deployment of new employees, it will be easier for the department to reach every unemployed person in the district. New doors of employment will open for the youth.

DIC was opened in Dharanaula in the year 1984 to connect the youth with self-employment by promoting cottage and small scale industries in the district. The center was struggling with shortage of officers and employees for a long time. In such a situation, the youth were not getting the benefits of the schemes run by the department. Due to deployment of 10 personnel against 33 posts, it was a challenge for them to connect the youth of every village of 11 development blocks with employment. Now, with the appointment of six posts of Assistant Manager and one post of Assistant Accountant in the department, the employees will be relieved from the extra burden of work. The unemployed will also be able to get the benefits of the department’s schemes.

Awaiting appointment to 21 posts

Against the 33 posts created in the department, 21 posts are still vacant. Even after the deployment of new employees in the centre, there are two managers, five assistant managers, additional statistics officer, assistant statistics officer, personal assistant, senior auditor, assistant development officer first, assistant development officer second, administrative officer, principal assistant. ,The post of Senior Assistant is vacant.

Achieving goals will be easy

The District Industries Center provides loans to the unemployed for setting up industries under MSY, PMGP and CM Nano schemes. For this he gets a target every year. Now, with the deployment of personnel in the vacant posts, it will be easier for them to reach the target.


– A demand was made from the headquarters for the appointment of employees to the vacant posts. After this, six more Assistant Managers and Assistant Accountants have been posted in the centre. Efforts are being made to fill other vacant posts also.

– Meera Bohra, General Manager, District Industries Center Almora


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