To keep a vigil on the counting process after the polling, the BJP has decided to keep a watch on all the counting centers. In a meeting of senior party officials chaired by BJP National President JP Nadda, the political situation arising after the opposition rejected the exit poll results was reviewed.
Home Minister Amit Shah, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh as well as the party’s general secretary and secretary were also present in the meeting. It was decided in the meeting that all the polling agents of the BJP should reach the counting centers on time and immediately inform the senior party officials about any suspicious activity during the counting. Senior officials will also take cognizance of such complaints and take appropriate action immediately.
BJP General Secretary Vinod Tawde said that the voting in all seven phases and its pattern were reviewed in the meeting. It is believed that the party’s strategy to deal with the opposition rejecting the election results was also discussed in the meeting. But nothing has been said about it officially.