Gautam Adani, the owner of the Adani Group, has set yet another milestone. Gautam Adani has once again become Asia’s richest person. He obtained this title by succeeding Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani. According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, as of 6 p.m. on Saturday, Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani is rated 11th on the index, with a net worth of $111 billion, while Mukesh Ambani’s net worth is $109 billion.

Adani Group’s stock has risen dramatically in the recent trading week, resulting in a significant increase in his overall wealth. In reality, on Friday, Jefferies released a study focusing on specific Adani Group equities. Jefferies forecasted a spike in some of the group’s stocks, which resulted in significant growth. On Friday, Adani Group shares increased investors’ wealth by Rs 1.23 lakh crore, bringing its entire market valuation to Rs 17.94 lakh crore intraday. The market capitalization reached Rs 17.51 lakh crore, with a value of Rs 84,064 crore.
Let us inform you that Adani Group’s shares fell substantially last year following the charges in the Hindenburg report, but this year the group appears to be overcoming these issues. Experts predict that on the day of the Lok Sabha election results on June 4, Adani’s shares will skyrocket.


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