On April 6, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is celebrating its 41st Foundation Day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi while inscribing the party workers said that 41 years of BJP are witness to how service can be done, how the party moves ahead on the strength of the workers. In present time, many generations have worked for the party in every state and district of the country. PM Modi responded to his opponents and said that BJP is not just a machine to win elections, BJP is a campaign to win hearts, that’s why we are getting the support of every community. Prime Minister Modi said that many congratulations to you all on BJP Foundation Day. On April 6,2021,41 years of the party’s glorious journey are being completed. These 41 years bear witness to how a party works with service and dedication.
Prime Minister Said – left power, but did not compromise with rules.
The Prime Minister said that from Shyama Prasad Mukherjee to Atal Bihari Vajpayee led the BJP, leaders like LK Advani, Murali Manohar Joshi have pushed the party forward. We have a larger group than a person and a country larger than a party. There was a time when Atal Bihari let the government fall by one vote, but did not compromise the rules. He said that parties are broken for political selfishness in the country, but this never happened in BJP.
BJP gave constitutional rights to Kashmir.
The Prime Minister said that many BJP leaders were imprisoned during the Emergency. BJP workers served during the Corona period. The BJP governments at the Center and the state are taking forward the self-reliant India campaign.The PM said that the power of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee’s sacrifice is that we can fulfill that dream. By giving Article 370, give constitutional rights to Kashmir. Development is being done by eliminating terrorism from there.