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Memorandum Submitted Demanding Better Healthcare Services in Maldhan


Community Health Center Falls Short: Mahila Ekta Manch Demands Essential Equipment and Staff Ramnagar: The Mahila Ekta Manch submitted a memorandum to the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) at Bailpadav, demanding the appointment of doctors and paramedical staff for vacant positions at the Maldhan Community Health Center, along with the availabilityContinue Reading

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Complaint Filed Against Those Who Assaulted Forest Officials


Official Investigation Launched into Forest Officials’ Assault Ramnagar: In a case where villagers in Okhaldhunga village of Betalghat development block, attacked a forest official in anger following the death of a woman due to a tiger attack, the Forest Department has filed a complaint demanding the registration of a caseContinue Reading

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No HMPV Cases in Uttarakhand, Says CMO


Winter Respiratory Diseases on the Rise, But Uttarakhand Remains HMPV-Free Ramnagar: “Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) respiratory disease is spreading globally these days. This disease, like other respiratory diseases, is also reflected in the winter season with symptoms like the common cold and flu. Till date, human virus has not been confirmedContinue Reading

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Sanskrit Bharati Uttaranchal Provincial Conference concluded


Sanskrit Bharati Conference Concludes with a Call to Revive the Ancient Language Ramnagar: The two-day provincial conference of Sanskrit Bharati, an organization dedicated to the promotion of Sanskrit, was held at Ramnagar Khatri Sabha Bhawan, Ramnagar. Hundreds of Sanskrit lovers, scholars, and students participated in this event.The conference was concludedContinue Reading

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Sanskrit Bharati’s Language Proficiency Camp Begins in Ramnagar


Seven-Day Residential Camp Aims to Enhance Sanskrit Language Skills Ramnagar: A seven-day residential language proficiency camp organized by Sanskrit Bharati Uttaranchalam commenced in Ramnagar with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp and a Saraswati Vandana. Shri Rakesh Semwal introduced and welcomed the guests. Dr. Raghav Jha, the regional teaching head,Continue Reading