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Delhi doctors are observing a rise in cases of Covid-19 triggered Black Fungus or Mucormycisis in patients again.
Black fungus, or mucormycisis is serious but infrequent fungal injection caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes. These molds live throughout the environment. Mucormycisis mostly affects people who have health problems or take medicines that lower the body’s ability to fight germs and sickness. The disease can be deadly.
The disease have symptoms like face numbness,nose obstructions on one side, swelling in eyes,or pain.
Doctors had pointed out an increase in such cases in December last year as well,when they saw 12 such cases in 2 weeks.
According to senior ENT Surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,Dr. Manish Manjul,these cases are being seen again in Covid-19 patients. He also said that “We are seeing a rise in the dangerous fungal infection triggered by Covid-19 again. In the last two days we have admitted 6 cases of Mucormycisis. Last year this deadly infection caused a hight mortality with many patients suffering from loss eyesight, removal of nose and jaw bone.”
Doctors at hospital said that the use of steriods could be one reason for the fungal infection.
Dr. Ajay Swaroop,Chairman,Department of ENT,Sir Ganga Ram Hospital said that,” Use of steriods in treatment of Covid-19 infection, plus the fact that many Covid-19 patients have diabetes as co-morbidity could be the reasons for a rise in the number of black fungus infections again. Covid-19 patients with weak immunity are more prone to the deadly infection.”


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