Charanjit Singh has been elected the head of the Chandigarh Tent Welfare Association. The new executive was elected at the association’s meeting held on Friday. In this, all the office bearers were elected unanimously. Apart from electing Charanjit Singh as the head, Jagjit Singh has been made the chairman, Jaswant Rai as senior vice-president, Satish Kumar as general secretary and Chetan as treasurer.
Charanjit Singh said that 110 members are associated with his organization. All these appointments will be for three years. He said that his organization will periodically run blood donation camps, free medical camps and cleanliness campaigns so that better work can be done for the society. He said that during the Corona epidemic, there has been a huge life loss. The association will contribute to eradicate this deficiency.
Will appeal to the administration of free medicine
Tent Dealer Welfare Association Chairperson Jaswant Singh said that there are many people in the city who cannot go to big hospitals for medical treatment. In such a situation, we will appeal to the administration to provide free medical facilities to these people in the civil dispensary itself. The city has one civil dispensary in each sector, besides three large hospitals. A team of qualified doctors has been appointed here. In such a situation, the administration should try to provide better services.