Under the leadership of the Chief Minister of Haryana, Mr. Manohar Lal Khattar, the Government of Haryana had passed its first bill in the Legislative Assembly, the Cow Conservation and Cow Protection Act of 2015, which imprisoned ten years on cow slaughter and cow smuggling. And provided a fine of up to one lakh, add to that the vehicle in which cow and cow meat is going, will be confiscated. Now in Haryana eating cow meat is also prohibited and also keeping the cow meat is banned. If someone does so, a provision has been made for the punishment of up to five years and a fine of up to 50 thousand has been induced in this cow protection law in the last Vidhan Sabha session of its government for five years. Worked to further harden, now the vehicle in which cow and beef is going cow will be seized by the sub-inspector police. Hon’ble Manohar Lal government has given a sufficient amount of budget to the Haryana Gau Seva Aayog for the protection and promotion of cow.
During the tenure of the Congress government, only Rs.1,90,71,000 was given to the Gaushalas from the year 2013 to 2014.
From 2015 to 31 March 2019, grants amounting to Rs 63,64,81,620 have been given to the gaushalas.
- Now Rs. 11,65,02,300 is being given to purchase fodder at the rate of Rs. 300 / – per cow.
- Similarly, 41 gaushalas totaling Rs.3,37,00,000 are being given for making shed.
- Rs 23,25,100 as 90 per cent grant for the use of cow dung to prepare gum pots, incense sticks. Also phenol and insecticides from cow urine, cow extracts to make these gaushalas self-reliant.
- Training to create Panchagavya products like organic manure to Gaushala management was conducted in Gaushalas in district Sirsa, Fatehabad, Hissar, Karnal and Rohtak, in which about 200 Gopalakas took training and are now providing Panchagavya creation services in Gaushalas and this training has been decided to increase the number of Panchagavya products, organic fertilizers. Herbal medical training will be given from Haryana Gau Seva Aayog through cooperation from Kavarel Gaushala Hisar.
- Through Haryana renewable energy department, solar energy work is progressing in all the gaushalas in Haryana by taking only 10 percent from the gaushalas under the ‘Mukhyamantri Gaushala Jagamag Yojana’.
- Honorable Manohar Lal, the Chief Minister of Haryana has decided that if any land will be donated to Gaushalas or if Gaushala buys land and registers it then only it will be provided.
- For the Gaushalas who performed Gopashtami in the state, an incentive of Rs 78,84,000 was given by the Commission at the rate of Rs 21000 / – per Gaushala.
- Now, who will celebrate Gaushala Gopashtami festival will be given an amount of Rs. 31000 / -.
- In Haryana, two cow sanctuaries have been set up in village Dhandur district Hisar and village Nain district Paninat in 50-50 acres of land to keep destitute cows in which about 3000 cows will be kept.
- Honorable Chief Minister of Gaushala in Jail Karnal also laid foundation stone last year, that work is going to be completed soon, about 500 cows will be placed in it. After completion of this work, Gaushala will also be made in Rohtak, Gurugram, Faridabad, Hisar Jails. Will be opened.
- In these three years, we have opened about 250 new cowsheds and nandishalas in Haryana, in which 1 lakh 20 thousand cows have been destitute on the road and the rest of the cows on the road will also be sent to cowsheds soon so that Haryana can become free from the destitute cows. .
- In order to get the punishment of criminals properly in cases of cow slaughter, beef testing labs have been set up in Faridabad and Yamunanagar.
- Assistance of Rs 43,54,500 has also been provided to natural calamities for cow sheds.
- The Commission has also started its website for complete information about every major information.
- Gau hospitals have been opened in Hisar, Sewani, Hodal, Dadri Toy and Karnal by NGOs with all modern facilities and cow care vehicles.
- The plan of the commission is that we will make 6 ideal cow sheds, in which the means of income will be made by using cow dung and cow urine and will be made self-sufficient by setting up six plants.
- There is a plan to declare the entire village organic village by preparing organic fertilizer from pipelines and preparing organic manure from the pipelines to set up the entire plant on four models with the commission and private company in Shri Chetandas Gaushanvardhan Sansthan Sanhel district Noon .