Problems in Saksham Yuva Scheme

There are many of qualified youth in the Haryana state who are capable of working in various departments with respect to their skills. They are suffering from unemployment. In the last assembly elections, on the behalf of BJP team, citizens of Haryana were promised to give 2 lakh permanent jobs. For this they initiated a scheme called “Saksham”, in which the employment would be given to undergraduates and graduates on Rs. 7500 and post graduates on Rs. 9000 / – along with allowance every month. It is a matter of great regret that even after 4 years, the BJP government has not fulfilled its election promises. By creating various policies like Saksham in the name of employment in the state, the youths are being deprived of permanent employment. The scheme gives job but it is temporary. Add to that, youths have also been exploited cheaply on the name of the “Saksham” scheme. It is extremely objectionable that youths are being made a tool of exploitation in all respects. On the name of employment, this mess should be closed.

Thousands of posts are vacant in different government departments of the state and millions of posts can be created in the proportion to the population said the youths of the state. Hence the exhausted youth appeals to the government to make permanent recruitment as soon as possible by creating vacant postings and new posts and recruit these youths.

Key demands: –

  1. Removal of the terms of the time period paired with the Saksham plan i.e. Saksham workers should be given continuity and service security. Those who have been removed for some reason should be taken back to work. Do not change the department frequently.
  2. The jobless practice should be closed. No honorable pay should be given. The Haryana Government’s minimum wage policy should be implemented for all the Saksham professionals. Payment of salary should be done before 7th of the month.
  3. Persons recruited on vacant positions in different government departments and selected applicants in the process of appointment should be given priority. The appointments should be transparent and in this case, corruption should be stopped.
  4. In the “Saksham” scheme, all non-essential conditions added to the eligible beneficiary (such as family income, payment of electricity bill, husband or wife’s job, functional toilet etc.) should be removed.
  5. On the basis of priority, women and disabled will be provided work in nearby centers and villages. Maternity benefits and holidays should be given to women competent.
  6. Home portal should be run smoothly. Portal links should be open 24 hours.
  7. The harassment of the “Saksham” professionals at the name of Online Reporting, Suspension and Debar time duration etc. must be closed.
  8. All of the work done by the Saksham professionals must be assigned by the officials of concerned departments only. The attitude of officials and people’s representatives should be positive for the professionals.
  9. Every professional should be given identity card.
  10. Experience certification should be given to all the Saksham workers.
  11. Travel allowance and food allowance should be provided during the work in the scheme.
  12. Health facilities and accident insurance should be provided in the cases of accidents occurring during the work.

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