Gorakhpur : On Wednesday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on behalf of the Uttar Pradesh government said that Uttar Pradesh government is dedicatedly working to tackle a possible third wave effectively. On Wednesday, CM of Uttar Pradesh visited Gorakhpur told officials to complete the construction work of the Mahant Avaidyanath Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya and the stadium within the time-frame.
CM of Uttar Pradesh in Gorakhpur, also inspected the Jungle Kaudia at the community health centre (CHC) because it is adopted by the CM. CM of UP told the officers to arrange X-ray machines and medical equipment and begin a regular OPD and also the CM interacted with doctors The chief minister met the doctors and interacted with the beneficiaries who had come there for Covid vaccination. CM of UP further added that “The administration and health department should arrange all necessary medical resources at the community health centres. Regular OPDs and night stay of doctors should also be started.”
Soon a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU), a 30-bed hospital and emergency service would be started while the OPD is already functioning told Officers to the CM.
Mahant Avaidyanath Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya is under-construction and stadium at Jungle Kaudia area both places were inspected by the CM and CM asked the officers to complete the construction work soon so that teaching could be started in the present session.