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There were hope from Punjab University , Punjab University is in talks with the college . More than three thousand students are waiting for the degree. My city reporter Chandigarh , the degrees of more than three thousand poor of colleges with in Punjab University are still stuck . Punjab University was expected to get relief , but Punjab University has ordered the release of the degrees of the those students who took the exam. Those who have deposited the exam fee . These students did not collect the exam fees . He was studying with the help of scholarship amount , but they could not get scholarship . Now they are waiting that Punjab University will open the way for them every year, with the help of post – matric scholarship , 8 to 9 thousand students are promoted in Punjab University and colleges. In these all the students are very poor , who are not able to pay Even the examination fee . The amount of this scholarship comes from the center of PU and wear it in the students amount . The Punjab University received fee , they banned degrees where to decide on the rest of the students , sources say that the talk of PU is going on with college , but not the decision . Poor students is frustrated due to this problem.


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