In the wake of protest for the last four days, The higher authorities of Tripura on Thursday directed The Tripura Board of Secondary Education ( TBSE ) to review the results of Madhyamik (Class 10) and higher secondary (Class 12) examinations, as the students protest for the last four days.

Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath told reporters that the secondary and higher secondary results were declared by the TBSE as per the evaluation process prescribed by a 10-member expert committee for the assessment of students as board exams could not be held this year in view of the COVID-19 situation.

He also added; But it was found that many students were dissatisfied with their performance so the government has asked the board to review the results to find out the mistakes.

However, The evaluation process was based on the performance of students in the previous class exam and the assessment report for each of the students has come from their respective schools, Mr Nath said.

As per the sources, The minister requested those who have passed the examination but are still dissatisfied with the results to reappear for the exam, to be conducted by the board as per an order of the Supreme Court.

The examinations are likely to be announced by the end of August or the beginning of September, the minister said.

“The board will find a permanent solution in consultation with the school authorities. The entire process of reviewing the results would take a maximum of one week,” Mr Nath said.


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