Farhan Akhtar’s features “Toofan”, has emerged as the most-watched film on the streaming platform in its opening week. As, the series was premiered on Amazon Prime Video on July 16.

Amazon Prime Video an OTT platform has released data, revealing its highest streaming projects within their launch-weeks so far in this year. It also revealed the series and films that performed well and grab more attention of the audience.

Additionally, As per the data released by OTT ; The sports drama, directed by
Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra has topped the charts and became the most watched Hindi series within the first week of release. As, it was watched by more number of audience.

Moreover, Actor Farhan Akhtar, who was observed as Aziz Ali in the series expressed his gratitude and love towards the audience by sharing a heartfelt post. As, He thanked his fans for making his new release the most-watched movie on Amazon Prime Video.

As the actor wrote; One must work hard regardless of reward but when it comes, its important to recognise those who made it happen. Thank you for making #Toofaan the most watched film on Amazon Prime Video.


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