Popular Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty has filed a defamation suit against media personnel and media houses for spoiling her image in a pornography case for which her husband Raj Kundra has been indulged and sources revealed him to be the key conspirator in the racket of adult film production and operations . Moreover, the businessmen is book under relevant sections of the IPC and IT act .

However, The bollywood diva has approached the Bombay High Court, seeking order against the false and defamatory content that is being published on social media and websites against her.

As per the sources, The hearing in the case is scheduled to take place on Friday (July 30)

According to ANI report, The actress urged the court to pass appropriate directions, which require social media platforms like Facebook to remove or delete the defamatory articles or videos against her.

In addition to this, Shilpa Shetty in her plea mentioned that the defendants be ordered to pay to her an amount of Rs 20 crore together with an interest at 18 per cent per annum from the date of filing the defamation suit until payment.


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