India is land that is having different cultures, languages and mind sets. India from the past have maintained 100% peace oriented approach towards all other nations. But one nation is keep on taking advantage of our silent and peaceful approach. The statement, “Guests should be treated as GOD!” is one of the basic ideologies under the brand “Incredible India”. But what if we are guests of one nation that never leaves a single chance to betray us. Kulbhushan Jadhav and his case in the Pakistan Supreme Court is fully acknowledged to all the Indians.

We Indians knew that Pakistan has been doing injustice with him for so long. Instead of talking appropriate and strict action, People are feeling that Government is still willing to have a warm relationship with a nation that does not deserve friendship with India. When Jhadav’s family met him, the treatment to them was very harsh. Now Jadhav on 25th December admitted that he was an Indian Spy but Mother totally disagreed by saying that he was telling a lie and said “But why are you saying all this? You were doing business in Iran from where you were abducted. You must tell the truth,“. She even claimed that he was doing business in Iran then how could he be a spy in Pakistan.

Pakistan is a country that is based on hatred because even at Jadhav’s case the officials were continuously talked about Kashmir issue which total inappropriate. People are considering Indian should have boycott Pakistan if anything bad will happen to Kulbhushan. Pakistan’s lie is witnessed when the official said media has recorded the greetings. If greeting is fully good then why you need to record it.

MEA Stated that “From the feedback we have received of the meeting, it appears that Jadhav was under considerable stress and speaking in an atmosphere of coercion“. Added to that “We also regret that contrary to assurances, the overall atmosphere of the meeting was intimidating insofar as family members were concerned,“. What will happen to the case, no one can answer to it except for Pakistan’s planning, but for sure we at people side should boycott complete relationship w.r.t. sports, music etc. with all Pakistanis. First Sarabjit and second Kulbhushan don’t know how many Indian sons will be betrayed by the un ethical act of Pakistan.

Humari Baat team is feeling saddened after studying this matter, but Our government should learn from this act of Pakistan.


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