After the Judgment on the non religious, inhuman and unethical “Triple Talaq” of the Supreme Court on August 22, 2017, the Government has presented this bill (Muslim Women Protection of Rights on Marriage Bill- 2017) in Parliament yesterday. Under this law it will not be easy to give an instant triple divorce. There is no double opinion that this practice was against the right to respect women and this caused Muslim women a lot to suffer.

Congratulations to the government to make laws on this subject, but the government’s work does not end with just making the law. The real work of the government starts after making the law. Although there has been a lot of arguments from the Muslim organizations regarding this law, the issue is to end the instant triple talaq, but normal divorce can happen.

A Muslim Woman told to Team Humari Baat that “A divorced woman told that they do not invite people to the anniversary of marriage, they are considered as ominous“.

The real question is of life of divorced women and their rights. Divorced women do not have economic security, they are despised in society. They are called by many words like weave, sling, house-break and witch, which is totally Orthodoxic and has nothing to with Quran. Quran ensures equal rights of both men but Mulana and religious leaders have amended everything according to them. It encourages male chauvinist society.

The bill ensures economic security that triple talaq giver will be jailed for three years and have to give maintenance and recovery allowance. But making a law is not sufficient, major role is to implement it and changing the mindset of Muslim Unawared Men. But what can be done when people like Awasuddin Owasi is spreading havoc and provoking young Muslim men like this: –

People like this are real enemy of Muslim community because such kind of teaching or Influential marketing will degrade the. If well literate person is using such statements, then what else can be expected.

But our Muslim women are celebrating this historic date that has given them little inner satisfaction. The attention of divorced women should to be addressed by the government. This law will ensure some respect, but the real honor will be by ensuring the right of divorced women to live an independent life.

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