One year ago on the same day Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput a 34 years old actor was found dead at his Bandra residence on June 14, 2020. His sudden demise not only left fans, family and friends mourning but also saw a global campaign seeking justice for the late actor.
However, The ‘Chhichhore’ actor had listed 50 dreams that he wanted to fulfill in his life in September 2019 as he had shared a series of handwritten notes of his 50 dreams.
His co-stars, friends and family members are remembering him on his first death anniversary.
Bhumi Pednekar : She shared some pictures from the shoot of Sonchiriya in Rajasthan. Bhumi Pednekar wrote, “Miss you, your questions and everything we spoke about. From the stars to the things unknown, you showed me the world like I had never seen it before. I hope you’ve found your peace my curious sweet SSR…Om Shanti.”
Moreover, Abhishek Kapoor, who gave Sushant his big Bollywood break with Kai Po Che, wrote: “1 year today… Still numb. #omnamahshivaya #sushantsinghrajput #superstar forever.”
The ‘The Family Man’ star Manoj Bajpayee remembered SSR and the fond memories of him.
Ankita Lokhande through her social media remembered her former boyfriend and Pavitra Rishta co-star Sushant Singh Rajput on his first death anniversary. She posted a 30 second video collage consisted of several pictures depicting her memories with the late actor. Moreover, on the actor’s first death anniversary she organised a special puja at her house.
Apart from all these celebrities . Many other people from the industry reacted to the sad demise of the actor.