As per the Maharashtra’s Health Minister Rajesh Tope , during this coronavirus pandemic, the state government has decided to give extension in service of up to two years to civil surgeons and other senior officials in the health department beyond their retirement age of 60 years.

However, The current age of retirement for medical officers and other senior staffers in the health department is 60 years. As per the sources, some senior officials as well as civil surgeons were earlier given extension for a year due to the pandemic situation. The move is aimed at ensuring availability of sufficient human resources to provide health services.

The cabinet cleared the proposal to give extension to senior officials, civil surgeons in public health department,” As the state has decided 62 years of age would be the cut-off line for any official to serve in the health department.

As per an official from the health department said, “It means that the official turning 62 years of age this year will retire from service in the current year itself. But the officials who were earlier given a one-year extension after they turned 60 – the regular age of retirement – will get extension for another year and will retire once they turn 62 years.”


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