The government of Himachal Pradesh extended curfew restrictions in the state by a week on Monday, As per the officials; a development that comes despite a significant drop in Covid-19 cases in the state.
Himachal Cabinet, which met on Monday, decided to extend curfew restrictions until May 31.
Moreover, As per the sources; The cabinet will review its decision on June 1. The decision came after the recommendation of the health department to extend to the restrictions despite a decrease in cases.
In addition to this, It can be observed that as per the reports; Himachal reported 1,309 new cases on Sunday. Despite a decline in cases, deaths remain a matter of worry—the state reported 59 deaths from Covid-19 on Sunday.
However, Apart from this, Several state governments, including those of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and Puducherry, have decided to continue with their lockdown restrictions until the end of May.