Chhattisgarh: The country’s largest central paramilitary force ‘CRPF’ has foiled the plot of Naxalites’ big attack in Chhattisgarh before the Lok Sabha elections. On Monday, before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bastar rally, CRPF jawans succeeded in reaching the cave where Naxalites had hidden a large amount of explosive material. The explosives and weapons kept by CRPF jawans in a cave located in the forests of Dubbamarka and Biram in the Kistaram police station area of Sukma include barrel grenade launcher (BGL), BGL projector, gelatin rod, electronic detonator, and other material for making IED.
The CRPF initiated the search operation on April 7 based on an Intelligence report. F 208 Cobra, E 212, and D 241 companies left from Dubba Marka CRPF camp towards the forests of Dubba Marka and Biram. This operation was not easy. The security forces also had inputs that the Naxalites could ambush them in the dense forest. The security forces could face IED explosions on the way. Despite this, the CRPF squad decided to move ahead. In the scorching heat, the soldiers covered a distance of about eight kilometers on foot to reach the cave. When the CRPF entered the cave, the officers and soldiers were surprised. A stock of barrel grenade launchers and projectors was hidden there.
The Naxalites were preparing to carry out a major attack with the help of these explosives and weapons. Among the weapons seized, 60 items including BGL launcher 1, BGL projector 22, BGL round 4, BGL round normal 57, BGL round small 12, BGL cartridge 4, BGL nut 7, wireless set 5, wireless sunt charger 3, volt meter 3, safety fuse green 10 meters, safety fuse black 5 meters, non-electronic detonator 105, gelatin 200, gun powder 30 kg and whistle cord 10 have been recovered.