Nature has given many gifts to India, Highly enriched wildlife diversity is most precious to the nation, Indian Wildlife is a pillar that represents the health of our Mother. Yes, If development is wealth and prosperity of our Nation, then wildlife is the health of our nation. If our wildlife is healthy, then our nature will have definite natural resources, if we have good natural resources we will have definite growth in development. So it is hard fact that A healthy beggar is better than an Ailing king. But Development without taking care of health is good for nothing. Indian Wildlife has been neglected for so long. Government has made laws but these laws have not been implemented with full strictness to safeguard Indian Wildlife.

  1. Daily, there have been many incidents of human being killing wild animals and vice versa
  2. Villagers, farmers, builders are encroaching the forests which result in loss of natural habitat of these animals. They came out of the jungle in search of food and shelter. This results in not a very happy meetup of animals and humans.
  3. The killing of endangered spices like Tiger, elephants and black deer has not been stopped because most of the time either poachers give money to the people living around the jungle who are poor, by their help poachers succeeding in their evil tasks or these poacher use false tactics to kill innocent animals.
  4. Recently, three elephants were killed by poachers in a Jungle located in Ramnagar region of Uttrakhand.
  5. As of today, We are having only 2226, 30051, 7701 Tigers, Elephants and Leopards respectively.

Measures to take care Indian Wildlife

Control on population –India’s population is increasing day by day. Rate of birth is 19.3 births/1,000 population which is much higher. Due to increase in population, People need to have a land to live, for this builders, villagers and farmers cut down forests on large scale. cutting down of trees in large scale also provokes natural disasters like floods, tsunami,earth quakes etc.

Laws should be Implemented – Laws written for the conservation of wildlife is well written but It has not been implemented rightfully because corruption, smuggling etc attracts poor people and brain washes them to do wrong things. Indian Forest department should take strict actions and train forest guards to be skillful to handle this situation in wiser way.

Indian villlagers killing Leopard

Take help from private partners– Involve NGOs like Wildlife Trust of India, Wildlife SOS, Corbett Foundation etc. to discuss such things in detail. Begin Awareness campaigns for the uneducated and unawared people. The PM of India Mr. Narendera Modi should insist such campaign in Mann Ki Baat and other public platforms in a similar way and zeal that he is promoting for Swacchta Campaign.

Wildlife and nature should be considered important for both the safety and well being of our own upcoming generation. This is also a key step in keeping natural disasters away. If our mother nature will not not be treated well. HamariBaat is sure that all secularism and democracy will vanish, because human race can not exist without the wildlife.


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