Total number of covi19 cases in world are more than 52 lakhs out which more than 1 lakh 12 thousands of people are infected in India many of whom have lost their lives. Every country from America to Europe is engaged in vaccine or drug research to protect against corona. Meanwhile, a research done by IIT Delhi and Japan’s AIST has revealed that with the help of an element found in Ashwagandha, it can help to make medicine for this disease. It is sure the element which is present in Ashwagandha
Research by IIT Delhi and Japan’s AIST
According to research by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology at IIT Delhi and Japan, element “vithan” found in Ashwagandha can be helpful in making corona drugs. According to research, ashwagandha and propolis have such natural ingredients that it is possible to prevent coronavirus. Propolis is a honey bee product that contains antioxidants to protect your body from damage and fight disease. Hence Honey extracts and Ashwagandha’s element may help in creating covid19 medicine.
What is currently under study:
The research team says that the compounds we have found in this research both have the ability to eliminate the main protease, man-protease, of the enzyme SORS-COV-2, responsible for the replication of viruses in the human body. The study is currently under review and is expected to be published in the near future.
There will be a delay in making the medicine:
The research team believes that to make the medicine, these ingredients should be tested on a priority basis in the lab, so that ongoing efforts to make the vaccine to prevent the epidemic should not be delayed further. According to the research team, it may take a lot of time to make the medicine and in such circumstances, these natural ingredients can be used to some extent to prevent or treat it.
We urge everyone should purchase Ashwagandha, and honey to prevent and treat yourself from Coronavirus, till the time official medicine for coronavirus does not found.