Dehradun, 7 March 2024: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday distributed Rs 358.3 crore through PFMS to one lakh beneficiary girls under Nanda Gaura Scheme of Women Empowerment and Child Development Department and a total of Rs 3.58 crore under Mukhyamantri Vatsalya Yojana at the Secretariat. Digital transfer of funds.

Under Nanda Gaura Yojana, an amount of Rs. 11,000/- was provided on the birth of a girl child and Rs. 51,000/- on passing 12th, in which 11948 girls were born in the financial year 2022-23 and 12th passed were 32353 girls and in the year 2023, -6539 girls born under 24 and 24408 girls who have passed 12th are included.

In this, as per the announcement made by the Chief Minister in the Assembly, under the previously operated Nanda Devi Kanya Yojana, from the financial year 2009-10 to the financial year 2016-17, 32,3,61 born girls were deprived of benefits of Rs 15,000/-. This also includes being benefited at the rate of Rs.

Thus, a total of 1,07,609 girls have been benefited with a total amount of Rs 3,58,35,83,000/- (Rs 3 billion fifty eight crore thirty five lakh eighty three thousand only). Whereas under the Mukhyamantri Vatsalya Yojana, during the period from March 01, 2020 to March 31, 2022, Rs. 3,000/- (Rs. Three thousand only) assistance amount/maintenance allowance was provided online through PFMS in which the beneficiaries under Mukhyamantri Vatsalya Yojana at the rate of Rs. 3,000/- per month were provided through PFMS in the month of January, In 2024, an amount of Rs 1.79 crore was released to 5981 beneficiaries and in February 2024, an amount of Rs 1.78 crore (total Rs 358.17 lakh) was released to 5956 beneficiaries.

The Chief Minister said that by promoting girls’ education through these schemes, the path of taking care of orphan children has become easier. He said that due to encouragement given to girls, their admission graph at graduation level has increased.

This has strengthened the efforts of women empowerment in the state and has also created the identity of a developed state. He said that earlier under the Nanda Devi Kanya Yojana, he had announced in the Assembly to give benefit at the rate of Rs 15 thousand to 32,361 born girls who were deprived of the scheme from the year 2008-2009 to 2016-17, which was approved by him. It has also been fulfilled today. It also symbolizes the accomplishment of our choiceless resolution.


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