To say, elections will be held in the State Youth Congress, but even after this, only the sons of leaders will dominate the Youth Congress. From the district president of Youth Congress to the state president, veteran leaders have put their sons in the electoral fray. With the influence of his father, perhaps the leader’s son will also win. Youth Congress candidates list has been released. In this time’s Youth Congress, Congress state president Kumari Selja, Randeep Surjewala has given undeclared blessings to a candidate. At the same time, former CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda has laid his hands on two people. Youth Congress election process has started. This time instead of voting, voting will be done through the app. From July 8 to August 7, the candidates will make new members of the Youth Congress. These members will have the right to vote. The youth members will vote through the app and choose from the speaker of the assembly to the state president. It is believed that Bhupendra Singh Hooda faction has given its support to Rao Krishna, son of former Health Minister Rao Narendra, for the post of state president in Youth Congress.


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