Haridwar, 2 Jan 2023: BHEL’s contractual employee committed suicide by shooting himself in East Nath Nagar of Jwalapur Kotwali area. The incident created chaos in the family. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and took the body into custody and sent it to the mortuary of the district hospital for post-mortem. The reason for suicide has not been revealed yet. The police is investigating the case.

According to the police, the incident occurred late on Sunday night. When Vijayant Chaudhary (38 years), son of Jaswant Chaudhary, resident of East Nathnagar, shot himself close to his forehead with his licensed pistol. Due to which there was panic among the family members and they hurriedly took him to a private hospital located at Ranipur Mod, where the doctors declared him dead.

On receiving information, police reached the spot. Along with interrogating the family members, a licensed pistol was recovered from the spot. Three empty cartridges were also recovered. CO Niharika Semwal said that the body has been sent for post-mortem. Prima facie, it has come to light that Vijyant Chaudhary is in trouble due to the transaction. The entire matter is being investigated.


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