Dehradun – Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Thursday evening inaugurated the book Beej Bomb Abhiyan written by Dr. Arvind Darbhoda and the book Garh Bhoj Abhiyan written by Dwarka Prasad Semwal at the Chief Minister’s residence.

The Chief Minister said that the seed bomb campaign conducted to reduce human-wildlife conflict and to promote tree planting is also an effective initiative in the direction of traditional seeds and environment protection.

Similarly, the Garhbhoj campaign is also a commendable effort to promote the state’s products to give recognition to the state’s traditional food items in the country and the world.

The Chief Minister said that both these subjects have indeed become the need of the hour. Seed bombs have actually become a method of plantation as well. He said that for this all the concerned departments would have to work in coordination. This will help in reducing the human wildlife conflict due to the abundance of fruit trees in the populated area as well as in the forests.

The Chief Minister said that there is a lot of nutritional value in our traditional products. This will also provide better market for these products of ours. And employment opportunities will also be created.
On this occasion Dr. Mohan Singh Rawat ‘Gaon Vasi’, retired IAS. Dr. Kamal Tawari, Dr. Mohan Singh Panwar, Mr. Kamlesh Gururani, Mr. Madhavendra Singh, Mr. Prem Pancholi etc. were present.


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