WhatsApp Image 2021 07 24 At 11.07.34 PM

Odisha: Disaster Management Subject Will Be Taught As Compulsory Subject In the Colleges


As per the state”s Higher Education minister Arun Sahoo A course on disaster management will be taught as a compulsory subject during the first year at colleges in Odisha. As, this formulated after the Odisha government had decided on May 29 to include disaster and pandemic management in high schoolContinue Reading

Images 1.31.29 AM

Chandigarh: Free vaccination campaign started to protect children from pneumonia, one and a half month old Aarav and Shilpa got needle


To protect children from deadly disease like pneumonia, free doses of pneumococcal vaccine have been started in Chandigarh government hospitals on Friday. In the presence of Dr. Amandeep Kang, Director Health and Dr. VK Nagpal, Medical Superintendent of GMSH 16, the campaign was started by feeding one and a halfContinue Reading

WhatsApp Image 2021 07 09 At 18.47.33

COVID -19 : Punjab Government removed night and weekend curfew; with some relaxations on the restrictions


“On Friday, The punjab state Government has lifted the night as well as weekend curfew and allowed gyms, resturant, spa’s and cinema halls” The Chief Minister Amarinder Singh of Punjab announced that the COVID-19 restrictions across the state will be further eased as the coronavirus situation has improved drastically. However,Continue Reading