Chandigarh, November 9. Punjab and Haryana have not banned the sale and burning of firecrackers on the occasion of Diwali but Chandigarh Administration has banned it. On Monday, Administrator VP Singh Badnaur once again made it clear that the decision to ban firecrackers in Chandigarh is correct and it will continue. Badnaur ordered DC Mandeep Singh Brar to return the license renewal fees to the firecrackers.

During the meeting, Advisor to the Administrator Manoj Parida gave information about the order of the National Green Tribunal. Parida said that the NGT also supported the move taken by the Chandigarh administration. Badnaur urged the citizens to strictly follow all the guidelines to protect against coronavirus on the occasion of Diwali.
He said that Corona is not completely finished yet. The number of cases in the city is also increasing. He ordered the heads of PGI, GMCH-32, and GMSH-16 to open all OPDs (Department of External Diseases) after Diwali so that people can get their treatment as before. DC Mandeep Singh Brar told that 25000 people have been challaned so far for not wearing masks and not following social distance.

Chandigarh administration has banned firecrackers during Diwali and will refund license fees to the vendors

PGI Director Professor Jagataram was also present in the meeting. He said that cases of corona are increasing in the city. This number has increased from 55 to 111, which is more than double. He said that out of 111 cases, 29 belong to Chandigarh, 40 Punjab, 18 Haryana, 16 Himachal Pradesh, and 8 other states.

Jagat Ram said that 3362 people coming from neighboring states were investigated by the PGI, of which 8.7 percent were found positive. He said that 1062 people have been treated in OPD last week. Professor Jagatram said that every year around 50 people lose their eyesight on the occasion of Diwali.

He also supported the ban on firecrackers to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection and said it was necessary. GMCH-32 Director Principal Jasbinder Kaur said that out of the 1417 coronavirus samples taken by them, 7.1 percent were found positive. He said that the hospital in Sector-48 has been reopened after Coronavirus cases increased. Coronavirus patients will be rehomed here.

It is important to ban firecrackers but administration should give these vendors a substitute or alternative and help them to get enough earnings during Diwali festival. Diwali is a special festival that provides easy to earn business for all the vendors but if they will not have anything to sell how can they earn during Diwali so along with the ban Admin should think of giving a solution and help these vendors.


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