Drugs free campaign ramnagar

Drug addiction is a concerning issue that is spreading so rapidly. So to counter it PNG PG College, Ramnagar is driving the exhibition with a theme “Drug-free Uttarakhand and Drug-free Devbhoomi”. Many local authorities and Police officers joined the awareness drive in Ramnagar, Nainital, Uttarakhand.


Ramnagar (Nainital), Uttarakhand, India. Chief guest MLA Dewan Singh Bisht inaugurated a drug-free exhibition at PNG PG College on the occasion of International Anti-Drug Day. Dr. Jaya Bhatt, Convener of the Anti-Drug Cell, told that this exhibition will be organized in the college for ten days under the campaign “Drug-free Uttarakhand and Drug-free Devbhoomi”. The main objective of the exhibition is to create awareness among the students against drugs and to make Ramnagar drug-free. Principal Prof. MC Pandey, special guest Amita Lohani, Chief Medical Superintendent Dr. Chandra Pant, and President of Old Students Council Ganesh Rawat observed the de-addiction exhibition.

Information about the side effects of drugs

On the occasion of International Drug Prohibition Day on Monday, on the orders of the District Legal Services Authority Nainital, Nawab Khan called upon the youth to stay away from drugs in the primary school of Thapliya Mehragaon. During this Ganga Upreti, Asha Upreti, Rampal Gangola, Lalita Upreti, etc were present.

On the occasion of International Drug Prohibition Day, an awareness camp was organized at the State Industrial Training Institute, Pines. During this, the students were informed about the ill effects of drugs. In the program chaired by District Legal Services Authority Secretary Binu Gulyani, Police Station President Rohtash Sagar was made aware of drugs. Para legal activist Yashwant Kumar gave information regarding toll-free numbers for de-addiction information.


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