Chandigarh: In response to recent developments concerning ownership rights in rehabilitation colonies, State BJP President Arun Sood clarified the situation and addressed allegations made by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Congress. The issue gained attention following a statement by the Deputy Commissioner of Chandigarh and subsequent media reports.

Sood emphasized that the Deputy Commissioner merely reiterated existing facts already in the public domain. He clarified that after August 18, 2023, no sale or purchase of properties in these colonies would be entertained. This measure aimed to prevent fraudulent transactions. It’s important to note that inclusion in the survey alone would not guarantee ownership rights; additional documentation would be required to claim property.

The survey itself intended to assess occupancy reality and the actual status of the colonies, with no intentions to displace anyone. Sood emphasized that there was no mention in the Deputy Commissioner’s press note that individuals would be denied ownership rights once the survey concluded, which he considered a natural course of action.Sood and a delegation of BJP members met with the Administrator to expedite the ownership issue.

During an advisory council meeting, Administrator Shri Banwari Lal Purohit made it clear that after the survey, those with valid documents demonstrating ownership in the survey would receive ownership rights. No ambiguity existed in this matter.In a joint press conference following the meeting, the Advisor to the Administrator and the Mayor reiterated that no one would be displaced during or after the survey, and ownership rights would be granted following due legal processes.Sood criticized AAP and Congress leaders Prem Garg and HS Lucky for attempting to claim credit for the ownership rights announcement. He accused them of creating hurdles, spreading misinformation, and inciting people against the administration. Sood believed that both parties were apprehensive about the resolution of a long-standing issue and people’s increasing support for the BJP.In conclusion, Arun Sood reassured occupants that the BJP remained committed to ensuring that rightful owners received ownership rights in rehabilitation colonies. He urged people not to trust misinformation campaigns and to cooperate with the administration for a successful survey.


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