Uttarakhand, 26 March 2024: an audio of an invitation to drink liquor in Srinagar’s Bazaar Chowki had gone viral on social media. After which action has been taken.

The involvement of a female head constable has been found in making viral the audio of invitation for drinking alcohol on Holi festival in the market post of Srinagar Kotwali of Pauri district in Uttarakhand. SSP Lokeshwar Singh has suspended him on this.

Meanwhile, District Commandant Home Guard has issued show cause notice to two Home Guards and barred them from duty till further orders. On March 24, an audio of an invitation to drink liquor at the market post of Kotwali Srinagar had gone viral on social media. Taking action in the case, the SSP had suspended three police personnel including the post in-charge.

Whereas, recommending action against two home guards, they were sent to District Commandant Pauri. Also, the investigation of the case was handed over to CO Srinagar. CO’s investigation found the involvement of a female head constable in making the audio viral. SSP Lokeshwar Singh said, Head Constable Pinky has been suspended with immediate effect.

Meanwhile, District Commandant Home Guard Nirmal Joshi said, show cause notices have been issued to Home Guards Sanjay Singh and Vijay Singh posted at the post and their duty has been banned till further orders. ADC (Assistant to Distinct Commandant) has been instructed to investigate the matter and submit the report within three days.


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