The body of Forest Range Officer Harish Chandra Pandey (55), who was missing for 15 days on Wednesday morning, has been recovered under suspicious circumstances from the banks of Bhimtal Lake. Police identified the body on the basis of photographs and documents found in his pocket.
The body of Forest Range Officer Harish Chandra Pandey (55), who was missing for 15 days on Wednesday morning, has been recovered under suspicious circumstances from the lake shore in Tallital Thandi road. Police identified the body on the basis of photographs and documents found in his pocket. The family members were also informed about the discovery of the dead body. On information, Hitadra Pandey, son of the deceased, arrived with his relatives.
Son Hitadra has accused higher officials of the forest department for his father’s death. The son cried and told that his father was being falsely implicated in a case of tree cutting. After which he was mentally disturbed since November 29.

The son told that since then the father was missing from home. He said that no concrete action was taken by the police to search for the father. Whereas his father’s location was found in Bhimtal. The son said that when he went to meet the DFO and SDO to search for his father, they did not even meet him. Hitadra said that his father lost his life because of honesty.
He said that those people are weak and even if they complain, no action will be taken against the higher officials. Police station incharge Birendra Singh Bisht said that the body looked three days old. The body is being sent for post-mortem. The deceased was posted as Forest Range Officer in Rudrapur Division of Terai Central Forest Division.


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